Hill Park Outreach & Inclusion Core Service

What you can expect from Hill Park Outreach and Inclusion Core Service.
Our core service is funded by the Local Authority annually, meaning there is no charge to Brighton and Hove schools with pupils who meet our criteria.
- 6 school contacts, 1 per half term. It may be a visit, phone call or email.
- attendance and/or report for Annual Review
- a Core Training programme for staff :- Manual Handling, Safe Use of Hoist and Personal and Intimate Care training.
When working with schools, we will:
- maintain correspondence with the school by ‘checking in’ with staff half termly via visit, phone or email
- provide a written record of each visit or contact, with agreed actions
- undertake agreed action for which we are responsible
- notify the school office of the need to cancel a visit as soon as possible
- provide Core Training for school staff, if required
- provide other optional training opportunities for school staff
- attend and/or write reports for Annual Reviews
- review the service offered annually, with the school’s SENCO/INCO
What the Outreach Team can expect from each school. They will:
- notify parents of Outreach involvement and pass on relevant reports and information
- respond promptly to correspondence from Outreach teachers to ensure effective use of time to support the school placement
- follow agreed actions and share with relevant staff
- ensure availability of staff to meet with Outreach Teacher during their visits
- notify Outreach Service, as soon as possible, if a meeting or visit needs to be cancelled
- facilitate staff attendance at relevant training
- ensure all staff who have manual handling and hoist training have this training updated annually
- notify Outreach Service of Multidisciplinary and Annual Review meetings as soon as possible
- give at least 2 weeks notice when requesting advice/reports for IEP’s/Provision Maps /Annual Reviews
- provide assessment data as appropriate
- release the SENCO/INCO to meet with the Outreach Teacher annually to review service
Hill Park has a small dedicated team of Outreach Teachers who support children with additional needs in mainstream schools.
Outreach Lead: Gillian Taylor - gilliantaylor@hillpark.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Outreach Teacher: Liz Martin - lizmartin@hillpark.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Useful Information
The referral pack consists of four documents:
* Referral form for schools to request support from the Outreach Service, if they meet our criteria
* Parent Leaflet is for the school to give to a parent to inform them of involvement from the Outreach Service with their child
* Parent Protocol Leaflet is a document that can be adapted by the school to support an initial conversation with parents of a child with additional needs. It should guide a conversation so that the parents and the school can come to a shared understanding of what a school can offer and how expectations can be met to best meet the needs of the child.
Useful Recording Proformas
ABC chart - to support understanding the function of a behaviour