School meals and ParentPay
School meals:
School meals are available at Hill Park at a cost of £2.65 per day/£13.25 per week. Vegetarian options are always available, with salad options and homemade bread always on offer too. School meals can be a great way to encourage children to try new foods.
If your child would like to have school meals please let the office know. Meals need to be ordered by 9.45am so advance notice is appreciated.
Free school meals and ParentPay
If you are not sure if you might be entitled to free school meals for your child, apply here, or phone the school office with your National Insurance number and date of birth, and we can check on your behalf. Even if your child prefers not to have school meals, applying for free school meals means that as a school our funding is increased, which enables us to provide additional maths and literacy booster sessions.
If you pay for school meals, please register with ParentPay, a quick and easy way to pay online. ParentPay log-in details are sent to new parents along with registration information, but if you have any problems, or have not received your log-in, please speak to the school office.

ParentPay is a secure and convenient way to pay for school meals, trips and activities online by credit or debit card, and offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like. Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds a payment history for you to view at a later date; no card details are stored in any part of the system. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away. If you have more than one child in our school, or children at other schools, you can create a single login for all of your children.
As our goal is to become a cashless school, we would appreciate as many of our families using ParentPay as possible.
New starters will receive their ParentPay login details within a few days of starting school. If you have not logged in yet and would like to request a copy of your login details, please contact the school office.