After School Club

We run our own after school club, HPX, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, term time only. The club does not run on INSET days.
We are aiming to meet four types of need through HPX Club:
- Social and leisure activities that are appropriate for children and young people with SEND through an extended school day.
- Safe and appropriate after school care for working parents and carers.
- Respite for families.
- A safe place for children and their PA’s to spend time.
You will need to complete a registration document for your child prior to attending, which will contain all the medical and care information needed to support your child/young person at the club. Whilst your child attends HPX Club we will safeguard them through the same processes and Designated Safeguarding Leads as during the school day.
For more information, please email